Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Remembering Summer 2011

With the memorial day holiday coming up i can't help but think about the Hott Florida summer , so i decided to share a few of my fav looks from 2011 .. What do u guys like most about summer ?. For me its the weddings, cookouts, lazy beach/poolside days and the best part is spending my off days with my little man we do so many fun things , bookstore , parks , just mommy and me time :) feel free to share some of your fav moments with me :)


  1. I love them all you always have the best accessories and dresses and make everything look so romantic classy and chic at the same time !! cant wait for summer 2012!!!

  2. All of these looks are amazing! I am too ready for summer break! What I like most is the 2 months off from work to do whatever my little heart desires!

  3. I'm loving that black floral number!

  4. girl, that is one stylish summer you had last year! your style is flawless and i love every sophisticated, chic, and polished outfit you put together =)

    xx james

  5. good blast from the recent past :) i love travelling during the summer.

  6. I love love love the floral printed dress!


  7. Fabulous look and you are working some great colors! I love the last two dresses especially!


  8. Loving all the dresses and colors!!!! Fabulous U R my dear! Thanks for sharing... :-)


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