Happy Monday !!!!
When I was a little girl my mother would make me and my siblings go to church every Tuesday, Friday , and Sunday . I thank her for that!! It taught me that when things got hard or if I ever needed someone to talk to church was the place to go for guidance and understanding . But it wasn't until I was in my late teens early 20's that I really started to know who God was for myself .
For a little over a month now I have not been to my church .. and I'm not sure why My pastor is a great speaker the people are friendly etc... From week to week I would go and I would feel like something was missing . I prayed and asked God to guide my footsteps .. Then one day I woke up and stop worrying about why I wasn't on the church roll call and began to give God the praise for waking me up. I started to talk with him more and more. I asked my husband how is it that I feel closer to God now then when I was going to church every Sunday .
Thats when I realized church is a great place to go and worship but I Melissa Ward needed to get closer to God for myself and as my Pastor Lumpkin would say I can preach all day your relationship with God is a personal thing :) So for those of you who may be struggling with the same thing your relationship with your God is yours and no one ... I mean No One can tell you how or where to worship him .
My Prayer
God have your way in my life .create in me a clean heart I surrender all I surrender all ....
xoxo Melissa